Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First Day of School

Well, daycare but it's just a matter of semantics.  As I've said before, my mom, Lolo, graciously offered to watch Ava for awhile when I had to return to work.  It started out as just for the summer so she would start daycare right after Labor Day...which then got pushed back to mid September and here we are today, October 11th, and she just started.  I think it was harder on the rest of us then it was on her.  She is used to being with family everyday and now she's in a place full of unfamiliar faces, besides her boyfriend Gavin (14-month old son of my friend Colleen).  As a Federal employee, we are able to take advantage of the daycare on the nearby naval base so many of the people I work with also have their kids there.  It is nice that they will grow up together!  Ava has Gavin and Jake in her class.  And you should see this place...I mean it's nothing too glamorous (it's a government building after all) but they provide formula and meals! There's a full kitchen where they make actual homemade food everyday (for all those who can eat it.  all others get gerber).  There's like a menu and everything!

Not only did Ava start daycare today, but I went back to work full time.  It was a good week to start since yesterday was a holiday so I only have a 4 day week like my part-time schedule, but I have to add an extra hour to each day.  Our new schedule will be an adjustment for all of us but I think we'll manage!

Nick and I both went and dropped her off.  We put her signed her in, put her stuff in her cubby and met her other teacher.  She was shy at first but eventually let her teacher take her from my arms and bring her over to the rug with the other kids.  As soon as her teacher sat down with Ava on her lap, the other kids all circled around her.  (Nick said "oooh Fresh Meat!)  It was cute.  We said bye and I love you and she gave us a smile through her binkie!  We knew she was going to be ok.

I couldn't wait to go pick her up, but I also wanted her to experience a whole day in her new place.  She was a little hesitant when she saw me but quickly dove into my arms!  Her teacher said she did great for her first day...only a cried a few times when she realized she was in unfamiliar territory but they comforted her and she was on her way! (at least that's what they told me)  She napped for an hour and 45 minutes which is a big accomplishment for miss nosey pants in a room full of kids!  And she ate breakfast, lunch and a snack (not surprised there).  I really think she is going to do great and I'm probably going to melt when her first art project gets sent home.  Am I really this old?

First Day of Daycare
 I think she's going to be a ballerina :)

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