I was home with a sick Ava all day yesterday. She got sent home from school an hour after I dropped her off. She was fine when I dropped her off but by 8:30, she had a 101.7 fever. Her fever spiked to 103 later in the day so off to the doctor we went. It seems to be just a virus so not much we can could do besides motrin and extra cuddle time! No complaints here!
She slept through the night and was fever free this morning but I kept her home just in case she spiked a fever again. Nick had a client coming in this morning so he went into work but is coming home so I can go into work for a few hours. I've got to try and save my time where I can since I depleted it while on maternity leave.
As I was rocking Ava for her nap, I kept thinking ok little miss, it's time to go to sleep so I can get in the shower and get ready for work so that when daddy gets home I can go. Ava had other plans of exploring my face...today it was eyelashes. She would crack up every time I opened and closed my eyes and batted my lashes. At the sound of her chuckle through her binkie, I forgot all about the rush to get ready for work. I just simply cherished the moment we were in. I work everyday and don't get to spend these moments with her. I have to cherish them when I do. Almost a whole year has flown by before my eyes and it's not going to slow down. Before long, she was snoozing away...
Yes, she sleeps with a blanket in her crib and sometimes a seahorse or two! Don't judge, it works for us.
So what that I got in the shower later than I thought.
So what that I didn't get fully ready before she woke up (short nap).
So what that I didn't get to finish cleaning the kitchen.
So what that there's enough dog hair on my floors to fashion a little brother for Thor despite the fact that I vacuum every other day.
So what that I just lied about how much I vacuum. It's more like every weekend!
So what that the gas station has their Christmas lights up before we do.
So what that I'm only a quarter of the way done Christmas shopping.
So what that there are more birthday decorations around my house than Christmas ones. (they're not up, I'm just in the process of making them so they are out)
So what that my living room is full of toys. I love that quote "please excuse the mess, children making memories here!" or however it goes.
So what that it looks like a fedex packing facility downstairs. We shop online and have yet to open the packages and wrap the gifts!
Will it all get done? Of course! Ask my mom, she knows me! I'll get it done at my own time. We are getting our tree today and will hopefully get all the Christmas decorating done this weekend.
I'd rather be soaking up this smooshie face when she needs me most than checking items off my never ending to do list!
That's her yummmmm face while eating!
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